DSL Extreme
>Using Google Takeout
>Setup Mobile Device
>Setup Email Program

New addresses

Incoming mail
Outgoing mail

Need more help?

Our Technical support team is available to assist you throughout the migration process.


Updating your Mobile Devices

DSL Extreme is migrating away from Google which means there are going to be changes to how you can use your dslextreme.com account with your smartphone.

We understand that being connected to your email with your portable devices is important. We also understand that by moving away from the Google Apps for ISP platform, our customers will need to make some settings changes to portable devices and also make changes in how these devices are used to connect to dslextreme.com. Additionally, you may need to change how you use Google Applications on your devices if you are currently using your DSL Extreme account to access them.

There are things you can be doing now to make sure you can continue to access your dslextreme.com email from your device without interruption through this process:

  I want to thank the person that helped me. They were great and I learned 2 new things about my email.  

From Talia S.
  • @wasi_r @DSL Extreme Thanks for the awesome service. I am loving it. Also thanks to @leolaporte and @TWiT
  • @jank0 Wanted to thank @DSL Extreme