DSL Extreme
>Using Google Takeout
>Setup Mobile Device
>Setup Email Program

New addresses

Incoming mail
Outgoing mail

Need more help?

Our Technical support team is available to assist you throughout the migration process.


Important Information for Android Users

Soon we will begin to make changes that remove the ability for Android Devices to access DSL Extreme services through Android-based Google Applications. It's important to review the ways you are using your device and make the necessary changes to ensure that you don't experience a service interruption.

. If your dslextreme.com account is the only account set up on your phone, you will need to set up another Google account in order to use services such as the Google Play Store or Contact Synchronization on your device. If you don't already have another account with Google, you can set up a new account at accounts.google.com.

Once you have a new account, you can add it to your Android device following the instructions found in this article: Add an account on your device (support.google.com).

We've set up a guide that walks you through removing the Google Account, and setting up the native Email Application to access your email account here:

Instructions for changing your dslextreme.com account on your Android device

What's Changing:

  • You will have to start using the 'Email' app on your phone (instead of the 'Gmail' app).
  • You will no longer be able to use your dslextreme.com account to purchase or backup apps through Google Play.
  • Apps that require a Google Account may need to be set up to use a different Google Account.
  • Most applications developed for the Android platform by Google will no longer function with your dslextreme.com email account.
  I want to thank the person that helped me. They were great and I learned 2 new things about my email.  

From Talia S.
  • @wasi_r @DSL Extreme Thanks for the awesome service. I am loving it. Also thanks to @leolaporte and @TWiT
  • @jank0 Wanted to thank @DSL Extreme